Monday, November 16, 2020

Panmure Bridge Sports Day

At our school we had our athletics day for the juniors. The sports games were ran by the seniors in LS2. The activities we did were really fun. On the day we also got to where our mufti clothes but it had to be the same colour as our group colour that we were put into which were 'Green, Red, Blue & Yellow. Everyone that bought money were allowed to get a hot dog from our master chief 'Mr Ogilvie'. Room 2 and the other junior classes had some helpers from LS2 to look after some of the children in class. Everybody participated in the sports games and Room 2 all enjoyed it. At the end of our sports day we had our whole school sprints and there were some very fast people. The very last thing we did was watch the winners from yr 6-8 compete against each other but that race was just to see who was actually the fastest in the school. Room 2 had a very fun day and we all enjoyed it.

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