Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Bread Experiment

Room 4 (year 3) did an experiment using bread and they let us use the bread to discuss what would happen to the bread if you didn't clean your hands.  This is one week after the bread had been touched.

Below are the observations Room 2 made after discussing the experiment as a class.

The bread got dirty because someone touched it with germs.  We have to wash our hands.
Some people washed their hands but there were still germs on the bread.
One bread is dirty because the children touched it without washing their hands.  The other bread is just a little dirty.
The bread got dirty from the dirty hands.
The bread has germs.  You have to wash your hands.
Kids washed their hands, but germs still came on their hands and on the bread.
The good bread gave the bad bread some sparkly medicine and it turned good.
Two bread are dirty and one is clean.  People were touching the dirty bread.
One bread was clean, the other two were dirty.
The bread is clean.  The bread is moldy because of germs.  We need to wash our hands to keep them clean.
The bread is clean because no one touched it.
The bread does not look nice because it has germs.
The bread is clean because nobody touched it.  Somebody touched the other bread and it got moldy.

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to checking up on the bread this week Room 2. Do you think the Teddy Bears would eat the bread? What would the Teddy's put on their bread? Jam? Honey? Peanut Butter?
