Saturday, August 17, 2019

Marshmallow and noodle structures


Our inquiry STEAM topic for term 3 is Structures.  
We have been reading two books relating to structures - The Three Little Pigs and The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  As a class we have been  discussing how to make a structure strong enough to not be blown over or to not collapse once it was made.  For this experiment we used marshmallows and pasta noodles.  While making our structures there was lots of talking to each other about how to go about using the marshmallows and noodles without it breaking when joining them together. 

Devinah holding up her structure.

Malama has designed a house shaped structure.

Melina and Malama discussing their structures.
Melina has made a square and Malama has made a pyramid
that can stand alone.

Aryah is proud she has a finished structure that can stand up.
Jeremiah's structure is the Sky Tower.  He used marshmallows as the feet
of the structure so it could stand alone.

Ahea is proud of his structure.

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