Wednesday, November 13, 2019

We Love To Blog - Film Festival 2019 Room 6

Room 6 decided to make a film about how important blogging is.  We chose to use the concept of an old New Zealand Lamb advert.  As a class we discussed what to include in our film and took votes when there were more than one option to ensure every student had a say in how the film would relate and be relevant to Room 6.

We had a lot of fun with this project and hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Kiwi sport - balancing

In kiwi sport, Room 6 are learning to balance with our teacher. We had fun doing the activities and giving them a go. 

Diwali art

Room 6 celebrated Diwali, a cultural event, by creating colourful festival light art using paints, glitter, and coloured paper. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Flying Fives activity.

Flying Fives.

Over the term Room 6 has been taking part in the Flying Fives activities. Here is a short clip of us completing a challenge.
Our challenge was to stand in a line while holding hands and trying to get the hoop to the other side without letting go.

Kiwi Can.

Kiwi Can.

Room 6 has had another full and fun term of learning in Kiwi Can.
In our first few weeks of Kiwi Can we learnt about the different emotions we have and how we express them. 

  After a few weeks our next topic was Overcoming challenges. For our activity we were put into three groups and our challenge was to finish an obstacle course.



This term Room 6 has been taking swimming lessons at the YMCA Panmure Pools each Thursday. Here are some photos that we took during our swimming sessions.
Over time, a few outstanding students were able to start swimming in the bigger pool.

In our last session of swimming Room 6 had fun playing with the water and was able to float on our backs going down the length of the pool.

Everyone has learnt so much from our instructors and progressed each lesson.

Rugby World Cup.

Rugby World Cup

Last week friday Panmure bridge celebrated the start of the International Rugby World Cup event. Each classroom supported a individual team by coming to school dressed in their team's colours.
Room 6 supported Ikale Tahi the Tongan Team. Everyone came dressed in the colours red and white. 

During assembly we had a surprise visit from visitors that performed a pacific dance for us. Mr Wong also performed something special for us and explained a bit of history behind the instrument he was playing.

Saturday, September 14, 2019


Room 6 were lucky enough to have a session with the University Cricket Club.  
Here are some photos to show our learning.

 First we learnt about cricket and what
we were going to do.  Some of us had not heard of
cricket before so it was very exciting to learn
about something new.
 Then we learnt about running and stopping
the ball and getting it back to the
cones as fast as we could.
 Next we learnt how to catch a ball by 
linking our little fingers together.
Aryah and Emmy throwing and catching the ball.
Next we learnt how to hit the balls off the 
cones so we could run between the wickets.
Sweet-E and Jeremiah running between 
the wickets before they get run out.

Room 6 had so much fun learning and playing a new game.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Fathers Day

Father's Day

We have made Father's Day cards for our dads, 
grandpas, uncles and mums.  
We put a picture of ourselves on the front then used 
glitter to make a frame around the photo.  
Inside the card we wrote a short story about what 
we love about our dad.

Some of our stories are:

Isaac said he likes it when his uncle gives him fish.

Micalea likes it when her dad gives her lollies.

Aryah likes it when her dad pulls funny faces.

Devinah likes it when her mum takes her to the shops.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Book Week

Book Week

We had a very exciting week this week.  We were lucky enough to have Panmure Library come to our library to read to us.  We moved from room to room and had people read to us.  We dressed up and had a parade in the hall to show everyone our book character costumes.

Mrs Salmon read to us.
Where's Wally was reading to us while we relaxed lying on the floor.

We all dressed up as our favourite book characters.

Micaela came dressed as a witch.
Armarley came dressed as a beautiful ferry.

Aryah is a pirate
Malama is cinderella.
Tanush wanted to be Spiderman
Isaac cane as Ironman.

Aaliyah was a fairy with wings.
Marcel wanted to be a knight for the day.

Devinah is Sleeping Beauty with a poisonous apple.
Jaiksyn chose to be a dinosaure,

Ahea was his favourite Ninja Turtle Raphael.

Room 6 all dressed up with a few on helper

Devinah won a book before we started the parade.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Marshmallow and noodle structures


Our inquiry STEAM topic for term 3 is Structures.  
We have been reading two books relating to structures - The Three Little Pigs and The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  As a class we have been  discussing how to make a structure strong enough to not be blown over or to not collapse once it was made.  For this experiment we used marshmallows and pasta noodles.  While making our structures there was lots of talking to each other about how to go about using the marshmallows and noodles without it breaking when joining them together. 

Devinah holding up her structure.

Malama has designed a house shaped structure.

Melina and Malama discussing their structures.
Melina has made a square and Malama has made a pyramid
that can stand alone.

Aryah is proud she has a finished structure that can stand up.
Jeremiah's structure is the Sky Tower.  He used marshmallows as the feet
of the structure so it could stand alone.

Ahea is proud of his structure.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Cook Island Language Week

 Cook Island Language Week

Kia Orana

As part of our celebration of Cook Island Language Week we looked at different cultural pastimes.  As a class we chose to investigate the tradition of tivaivai.  Tivaivai is sewing colourful patterns,  usually using leaves and flowers on to material for use around the home, bedspreads, pillow cases and table clothes are some we looked at.